Investigate the factors that affect CLT of Rayleigh distribution
This is the project of Central limit theorem, Case 7: Rayleigh distribuiton. Seek the coorperation to write papers. Mailing me.
Fatal errors pierce into results of the opinion polls while set p = 0.5 and use the property of thecentral limit theorem since (1) the approximating continuous distribution does not mean the “real” continuous distribution, (2) the minimal sample size of the central limit theorem does not be tested, but the theorem is applied, and (3) there is no test for the probability under the specific p and sample size.
This post shows the evidecne at the case of p = 0.5. Mail me to obtain more evidence of other p. Seek the coorperation to write papers. Mailing me.
Summarize our project work in progress. Seek the coorperation to write papers. Mailing me. Click the title to read more..